巴西法院推翻了迫使苹果公司允许在App Store第三方付款的裁决。 Brazilian court overturns ruling forcing Apple to allow third-party payments in App Store.
巴西联邦法院推翻了对苹果公司的一项反托拉斯裁决,该裁决要求该公司在20天内允许App Store的第三方付款系统。 A Brazilian federal court has overturned an antitrust ruling against Apple, which required the company to allow third-party payment systems in its App Store within 20 days. 法院认为最初的裁决“不相称和没有必要”,而苹果公司则认为,这可能会损害用户隐私和安全。 The court deemed the original decision "disproportionate and unnecessary," while Apple argued it could harm user privacy and security. 尽管遭受挫折,对苹果公司App商店做法的更广泛的反托拉斯调查仍在继续,巴西监管者CADE预计将提出上诉。 Despite the setback, the broader antitrust investigation into Apple's App Store practices continues, and the Brazilian regulator, CADE, is expected to appeal. 该案是目前全球管制技术巨人努力的一部分。 This case is part of ongoing global efforts to regulate tech giants.