2023-24年发生了10 060起涉及政府机构冒名顶替的独特诈骗案,比上一年的3 936起有所增加。 10,060 unique scam cases involving government agency impersonations occurred in 2023-24, up from 3,936 in the previous year.
澳大利亚服务社报告说,冒充政府机构的诈骗案急剧上升,2023-24年有10 060例特例案件,比上一年的3 936例有所增加。 Services Australia reported a sharp rise in scams impersonating government agencies, with 10,060 unique cases in 2023-24, up from 3,936 the previous year. 虽然其系统仍然安全,但敦促用户通过使用强有力的签名输入方法,例如密钥、数字身份和两个要素的认证,保护其账户。 While their systems remain secure, users are urged to protect their accounts by using strong sign-in methods like passkeys, Digital ID, and two-factor authentication. 受害者,如玛格丽特·诺伊强调保持警惕的重要性。 Victims, such as Margaret Noy, emphasize the importance of vigilance. 该机构通过其诈骗和身份盗窃服务台为那些怀疑未经授权进入的人提供支助。 The agency offers support through its scams and identity theft helpdesk for those who suspect unauthorized access.