Telstra和英联邦银行启动欺诈指标,以通过非正常移动使用发现身份盗用。 Telstra and Commonwealth Bank launch Fraud Indicator to detect identity theft through unusual mobile usage.
澳大利亚Telstra和英联邦银行推出了一项名为欺诈指标的新技术,通过分析非同寻常的移动服务使用情况,帮助发现身份盗窃。 Telstra and Commonwealth Bank of Australia have launched a new technology called Fraud Indicator to help detect identity theft by analyzing unusual mobile service usage. 这是在发射Scam指标之后发生的,该指标拦截了可疑的诈骗电话。 This follows the launch of Scam Indicator, which intercepts suspected scam calls. 预计反欺诈指标将使Commbank的欺诈检测率提高25%以上,并将提供给其他伙伴。 Fraud Indicator is expected to boost CommBank's fraud detection rate by over 25% and will be available to additional partners. 尽管所报告的损失有所减少,但澳大利亚与骗局有关的欺诈行为仍在上升,在上一个财政年度,身份盗窃影响到大约200 000人。 Despite a decline in reported losses, scam-related fraud is still rising in Australia, with identity theft affecting about 200,000 people in the last financial year.