澳大利亚有组织罪犯利用先进的人工智能制造复杂的骗局,冒充有影响力的人物以谋取经济利益。 Australian organized criminals utilize advanced AI to create sophisticated scams, impersonating influential figures for financial gain.
澳大利亚有组织罪犯正在使用先进的人工智能工具来制造日益复杂的骗局,使其更难发现。 Organized criminals in Australia are using advanced AI tools to create increasingly sophisticated scams, making them harder to spot. 这些骗局涉及使用AI制作的音频剪辑和视频来冒充有影响力的人物,指示受害者转移大笔资金。 These scams involve the use of AI-generated audio clips and videos to impersonate influential figures, directing victims to transfer large sums of money. 在骗局中使用人工智能的现象正在增加,投资和工作骗局最为常见。 The use of AI in scams is on the rise, with investment and job scams being the most common. 尽管监管部门做出了努力,但行业专家认为,犯罪分子将永远领先一步,使用 AI 制造越来越令人信服和有针对性的骗局。 Despite regulatory efforts, industry experts believe that criminals will always be one step ahead, using AI to create increasingly convincing and targeted scams. 澳大利亚人在3月季度因举报的骗局损失了7 700多万美元,低于上季度的8 000万美元。 Australians lost over $77 million from reported scams in the March quarter, down from the previous quarter's $80 million.