悉尼看到狗的拥有率在大流行后猛增,许多理事会的狗比儿童多。 Sydney sees a post-pandemic surge in dog ownership, with many councils having more dogs than children.
悉尼的宠物拥有权,特别是狗的宠物拥有权在大流行后猛增,近一半的理事会现在养的狗多于儿童。 Sydney has experienced a post-pandemic surge in pet ownership, particularly in dogs, with nearly half of its councils now having more dogs than children. 在悉尼市,每个15岁以下儿童有两只以上的狗,而Woollahra和Inner West则每个儿童有1.7只左右的狗。 In the City of Sydney, there are over two dogs per child under 15, while Woollahra and Inner West have about 1.7 dogs per child. 内部西部密度最高,每平方公里有1,295只狗。 The Inner West has the highest density, with 1,295 dogs per square kilometer. 自2019-20年以来,伴侣动物登记增加了14%,三分之一的理事会的宠物数量增加了20%以上。 Companion animal registrations increased by 14% since 2019-20, with pet numbers rising over 20% in a third of councils.