爱尔兰首次开展"狗狗普查", 评估生活成本和住房对养狗的影响. Dogs Trust launches Ireland's first Dog Census to assess impacts of cost of living and housing on dog ownership.
爱尔兰的狗狗基金会已经启动了爱尔兰的第一项狗狗普查, Dogs Trust has launched Ireland's first Dog Census to gather insights into the needs of dog owners amid rising economic challenges. 简短的调查问卷向所有宠物爱好者开放,目的是评估生活费用和住房问题对狗所有权的影响。 Open to all pet lovers, the brief questionnaire aims to assess the impact of cost of living and housing issues on dog ownership. 该倡议旨在告知慈善机构的支助服务,特别是最近的一项调查显示,10%以上的人考虑交出自己的狗,今年提出2 366项帮助请求。 The initiative seeks to inform the charity's support services, especially as a recent survey indicates over 10% of people have considered surrendering their dogs, prompting 2,366 requests for help this year.