2021-22 年,澳大利亚因狗相关住院的人数上升至 12,300 人,比十年前的 4,350 人增加了 182%。 2021-22 dog-related hospitalizations in Australia rose to 12,300, a 182% increase from 4,350 a decade ago.
过去 10 年,澳大利亚的宠物袭击事件几乎增加了两倍,2021-22 年因狗而住院的人数从 10 年前的 4,350 人增至 12,300 人。 Pet attacks in Australia have nearly tripled in the past decade, with dog-related hospitalizations rising to 12,300 in 2021-22, up from 4,350 ten years ago. 与宠物相关的严重伤害中有四分之三是由狗造成的,占所有动物袭击住院治疗的 40%。 Dogs accounted for three out of four serious pet-related injuries and 40% of all animal attack hospitalizations. 与宠物相关的伤害经常发生在家庭和休闲活动中,其中手部、手腕、颈部和头部是最常见的伤害。 Pet-related injuries often occurred at home and during leisure activities, with hand, wrist, neck, and head being the most common injuries. 专家将狗袭击事件的增加归因于主人没有识别或回应宠物发出的警告信号,而这些信号通常源于恐惧和焦虑。 Experts attribute the increase in dog attacks to owners not recognizing or responding to warning signs from their pets, which often stem from fear and anxiety.