90%的东南亚旅行者认为美国枪支泛滥是旅行决定的一个主要因素,56%仍计划访问美国。 90% of SE Asian travelers consider U.S. gun prevalence a major factor in travel decisions, with 56% still planning U.S. visits.
CNBC旅行调查显示,90%以上的东南亚旅行者认为,在美国,枪支泛滥是他们旅行决定的一个主要因素。 A CNBC Travel survey reveals over 90% of Southeast Asian travelers regard gun prevalence in the U.S. as a major factor in their travel decisions. 虽然夏威夷被视为最安全州,但德克萨斯被视为最不安全州。 While Hawaii is seen as the safest state, Texas is viewed as the least safe. 尽管如此,仍有56%的人计划很快访问美国。 Despite concerns, 56% plan to visit the U.S. soon. 调查还突显了对种族暴力的担忧以及美国总统大选结果对旅行意图的影响。 The survey also highlights worries about race-based violence and the impact of U.S. presidential election outcomes on travel intentions. 调查在若干东南亚国家进行,反映出重大忧虑。 Conducted in several Southeast Asian nations, the survey reflects significant apprehensions.