美国为20个国家,包括阿富汗、海地和叙利亚,在节假日前发布高风险旅行警告。 U.S. issues high-risk travel warnings for 20 countries, including Afghanistan, Haiti, and Syria, ahead of holidays.
美国政府为包括阿富汗、海地和叙利亚在内的20个高度安全风险国家发布了“不要旅行”咨询。 The U.S. Government has issued a "Do Not Travel" advisory for 20 countries due to high safety risks, including Afghanistan, Haiti, and Syria. 这4级警告是最高警戒级别,是因内乱、恐怖主义和犯罪等危险而发出的。 This Level 4 warning is the highest alert level, issued due to dangers like civil unrest, terrorism, and crime. 当美国人准备放假旅行时,我们提出咨询意见,敦促大家谨慎行事,提高所有旅行咨询意见的意识。 The advisory comes as Americans prepare for holiday travel, urging caution and awareness of all travel advisories.