2020年威尔士的丹尼斯风暴洪水促使威尔士自然资源部鼓励洪水预警系统注册以做好准备. 2020's Storm Dennis floods in Wales prompt Natural Resources Wales to encourage flood alert system registration for preparedness.
威尔士Pontypridd的一家书店老板Jeff Baxter在2020年2月因丹尼斯暴风雨严重洪水而损坏了他的商店后,监测了河流水位. Jeff Baxter, a bookshop owner in Pontypridd, Wales, monitors river levels after his store was damaged by the severe flooding of Storm Dennis in February 2020. 为应对气候变化带来的日益严重的洪水风险,威尔士自然资源公司鼓励个人和企业登记其洪水警报系统,该系统根据400个监测站的数据提供预警。 In response to increasing flood risks due to climate change, Natural Resources Wales (NRW) encourages individuals and businesses to register for its flood alert system, which offers early warnings based on data from 400 monitoring stations. 虽然该系统无法防止洪水,但有助于备灾。 While the system cannot prevent flooding, it can aid in preparedness.