艾伯塔省政府将受害者服务合并为四个中心,增加预算,引起农村城市的批评。 Alberta's government consolidates victim services into four hubs, increasing budget, prompting criticism from rural municipalities.
艾伯塔省政府推出了新的受害者服务区域模式,将圣保罗、Airdrie、Grande Prairie和埃德蒙顿国际机场的60个地方单位合并为四个中心。 The Alberta government has launched a new regional model for victim services, consolidating 60 local units into four hubs in St. Paul, Airdrie, Grande Prairie, and the Edmonton International Airport. 尽管预算从2000万美元增加到2670万美元,旨在改善服务,阿尔伯塔省农村市政府 (RMA) 批评了这一变化,声称它破坏了RCMP,并将对农村社区产生负面影响. Despite a budget increase from $20 million to $26.7 million aimed at improving services, the Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA) criticized the change, claiming it undermines the RCMP and will negatively impact rural communities. RMA总统Paul McLauchlin将这个系统称为“彻底的灾难”。 RMA President Paul McLauchlin called the system a "complete disaster."