爱尔兰国防军根据2022年报告的建议,结束了Portlaoise监狱51年的存在。 Irish Defence Forces end 51-year presence at Portlaoise Prison, following 2022 report recommendation.
爱尔兰国防军(Irish Defence Forces)将结束他们在波特劳伊斯监狱(Portlaoise Prison)长达51年的工作,该监狱主要涉及看守共和党囚犯。 The Irish Defence Forces are ending their 51-year presence at Portlaoise Prison, which has primarily involved guarding republican prisoners. 这一决定是在2022年报告建议军方撤出后作出的。 This decision follows a 2022 report recommending the military's withdrawal. 具有讽刺意味的是,不到一年前,在附近的米德兰监狱附近,为士兵建造了一座新的1 590万欧元的建筑物。 Ironically, a new €15.9 million building for soldiers was completed less than a year ago on the grounds of the nearby Midlands Prison. 当地政治人物对这一投资的时机表示关切。 Local politicians have expressed concerns regarding the timing of this investment.