联合王国监狱扩建计划面临42亿英镑的费用超支和5年的拖延,监狱过度拥挤情况恶化。 UK prison expansion plans face £4.2 billion cost overrun and five-year delay, worsening overcrowding.
据国家审计署称,联合王国的监狱扩建计划旨在增加20,000个新的监狱场所,其成本将增加42亿英镑,并推迟五年。 The UK's prison expansion plans, aimed at adding 20,000 new prison places, will cost £4.2 billion more and be delayed by five years, according to the National Audit Office. 这一增加使总成本在94亿至101亿英镑之间。 This increase brings the total cost to between £9.4 billion and £10.1 billion. 延迟和费用超支是由于规划、设计和建筑问题以及政府政策的变化造成的。 Delays and cost overruns stem from planning, design, and construction issues, as well as changes in government policy. 报告警告说,预计到2027年将短缺12,400个监狱,突出显示联合王国监狱目前人满为患的危机。 The report warns of a projected shortage of 12,400 prison places by 2027, highlighting the ongoing overcrowding crisis in UK prisons.