根据 FBI、CISA 的说法,伊朗黑客使用网络钓鱼策略针对美国政治竞选活动。 Iranian hackers targeting US political campaigns, using phishing tactics, per FBI, CISA.
联邦调查局(FBI)和美国公民安全局(CISA)警告说,伊朗黑客正在以美国的政治竞选为目标,以破坏人们对即将到来的选举的信心。 The FBI and CISA have warned that Iranian hackers are targeting U.S. political campaigns to undermine confidence in the upcoming elections. 这些黑客在伊斯兰革命卫队 (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) 的领导下运作,采用网络钓鱼等社会工程策略来入侵官员和活动人士的电子邮件帐户。 Operating under the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, these hackers employ social engineering tactics, such as phishing, to compromise email accounts of officials and activists. 各机构建议加强网络安全措施,包括使用多要素认证和谨慎对待未经请求的通信。 The agencies advise strengthening cybersecurity measures, including using multi-factor authentication and being cautious of unsolicited communications.