根据联邦调查局和美国情报机构的说法,伊朗黑客针对拜登的竞选活动发送了不经意愿的电子邮件, Iranian hackers targeted Biden's campaign with unsolicited emails containing Trump's stolen materials, according to FBI and US intelligence agencies.
伊朗黑客通过发送来自前总统唐纳德特朗普竞选活动的盗窃材料的不经意愿的电子邮件, 攻击了总统乔·拜登的竞选活动, Iranian hackers targeted President Joe Biden's campaign by sending unsolicited emails with stolen materials from former President Donald Trump's campaign, as reported by the FBI and U.S. intelligence agencies. 企图影响2024年选举的企图发生在6月底和7月初。 This attempt to influence the 2024 election occurred in late June and early July. 据报道,没有收到这些电子邮件。 No recipients reportedly engaged with the emails. 伊朗政府否认参与, 而美国当局则继续调查外国选举干涉。 The Iranian government has denied involvement, while U.S. authorities continue to investigate foreign election interference.