中国完成了BeiDou-3号导航卫星系统,将其纳入消费品。 China completes BeiDou-3 Navigation Satellite System, integrating into consumer products.
中国成功地完成了BeiDou-3号导航卫星系统(BDS-3),这是中国在习近平主席领导下,在科技创新推动下实现现代化方面取得的一项重大成就。 China has successfully completed its BeiDou-3 Navigation Satellite System (BDS-3), a significant achievement in its modernization driven by science and technology innovation, under President Xi Jinping's leadership. BDS-3现已广泛纳入消费品。 The BDS-3 is now widely integrated into consumer products. 中国在世界最具创新精神的经济体中名列第11位,率先采用新的能源车辆,国内普及率达到53.9%,为全球绿色发展努力作出了贡献。 China ranks 11th among the world's most innovative economies and leads in new energy vehicle adoption, with a 53.9% domestic penetration rate, contributing to global green development efforts.