南卡罗来纳州最高法院将Richard Moore的处决时间排在11月1日, South Carolina Supreme Court schedules Richard Moore's execution for November 1, following a 13-year hiatus on executions.
南卡罗来纳州最高法院已安排 Richard Moore在11月1日被处决 The South Carolina Supreme Court has scheduled Richard Moore's execution for November 1. Moore于1999年因在一次抢劫中杀害一名店员而被定罪,是该州在中断了13年之后计划处决的6人中的第二人。 Convicted in 1999 for killing a store clerk during a robbery, Moore is the second of six executions planned in the state after a 13-year hiatus. 他可以在注射死刑、电刑或行刑之间做出选择。 He may choose between lethal injection, electrocution, or a firing squad. 摩尔的律师打算上诉 辩称他是自卫行动 Moore's lawyers plan to appeal, arguing he acted in self-defense. 他还将寻求Henry McMaster总督的宽大处理,尽管最近没有一位总督同意这种请求。 He will also seek clemency from Governor Henry McMaster, though no governor has granted such requests recently.