国际刑事法院检察官敦促利比亚和其他国家逮捕与Tarhuna暴行有关的六名民兵成员。 ICC prosecutor urges Libya and others to arrest six militia members linked to Tarhuna atrocities.
国际刑事法院检察官卡里姆·汗呼吁利比亚和其他国家帮助逮捕与Al Kaniyat民兵有关联的6名男子,他们被控在利比亚战略城镇Tarhuna犯下多起杀人和罪行。 The ICC prosecutor, Karim Khan, has called on Libya and other countries to help arrest six men tied to the Al Kaniyat militia, accused of multiple killings and crimes in Tarhuna, a strategic Libyan town. 在民兵从2015年至2020年的控制下,2020年在Tarhuna发现了乱葬坑。 Mass graves were discovered in Tarhuna in 2020 following the militia's control from 2015 to 2020. 国际刑院寻求国际合作执行逮捕令,因为它依靠成员国执行。 The ICC seeks international cooperation to enforce arrest warrants, as it relies on member states for enforcement. 利比亚以对立的行政当局为特点的持续不稳定使局势复杂化。 Libya's ongoing instability, marked by rival administrations, complicates the situation.