佛罗里达州Jeff Ashton法官面临违反《司法行为守则》的指控,而佛罗里达州司法资格委员会则认为有正当理由。 Florida Judge Jeff Ashton faces allegations of violating the Code of Judicial Conduct and the Florida Judicial Qualifications Commission finds probable cause.
佛罗里达州法官Jeff Ashton因在凯西·安东尼审判中扮演的角色而闻名,他面临由于法庭行为不当而违反《司法行为守则》的指控,包括对律师大喊大叫和表现出偏见。 Florida Judge Jeff Ashton, known for his role in the Casey Anthony trial, faces allegations of violating the Code of Judicial Conduct due to inappropriate courtroom behavior, including yelling at attorneys and demonstrating bias. 佛罗里达州司法资格委员会已经发现对他提出指控的可能原因。 The Florida Judicial Qualifications Commission has found probable cause for charges against him. 阿什顿有20天的时间在小组向佛罗里达最高法院建议纪律行动之前做出答复,最高法院将作出最后裁决。 Ashton has 20 days to respond before the panel recommends disciplinary action to the Florida Supreme Court, which will make the final decision.