前格鲁吉亚检察官Jackie Johnson因据称妨碍Ahmaud Arbery案而继续受审。 Former Georgia prosecutor Jackie Johnson goes on trial for allegedly impeding the Ahmaud Arbery case.
前格鲁吉亚检察官Jackie Johnson因据称阻碍对2020年Ahmaud Arbery身亡枪击案的调查而面临审判。 Former Georgia prosecutor Jackie Johnson faces trial for allegedly obstructing the investigation into the fatal shooting of Ahmaud Arbery in 2020. 当时的检察官Johnson被指控妨碍案件审理,未能适当回避,因为杀害Arbery的凶手之一Greg McMichael曾在她的办公室工作过。 Johnson, the District Attorney at the time, is accused of hindering the case and failing to properly recuse herself, as Greg McMichael, one of Arbery's killers, had previously worked in her office. 阿伯里之死引发了全国的愤怒和正义的呼吁。 Arbery's death sparked national outrage and calls for justice. 审判旨在追究Johnson的责任,社区活动家倡导系统性变革和增加选民参与。 The trial aims to hold Johnson accountable, with community activists advocating for systemic changes and increased voter engagement.