Bryan Kohberger Idaho案的法官强调公平审判和有效程序。 Judge assigned to Bryan Kohberger's Idaho case, emphasizes fair trial and efficient proceedings.
已指派一名新法官审理伊达霍州Bryan Kohberger案。 A new judge has been assigned to the case against Bryan Kohberger in Idaho. 法官在博伊西举行的第一次法庭听证会上概述了对诉讼的期望。 During his first court hearing in Boise, the judge outlined expectations for the proceedings. Kohberger面临与高知名度犯罪有关的指控,法官强调,在有效管理法院时间表和程序的同时,必须进行公平审判。 Kohberger faces charges related to a high-profile crime, and the judge emphasized the importance of a fair trial while managing court schedules and procedures effectively. 此案继续引起公众和媒体的极大关注。 The case continues to draw significant public and media attention.