魁北克总理提议在法国的启发下为寻求庇护者设立“等候区”, Quebec Premier proposes "waiting zones" for asylum seekers, inspired by France, to redistribute asylum seekers in Quebec.
魁北克总理弗朗索瓦·勒高提议在加拿大为寻求庇护者设立“等候区”, Quebec Premier François Legault has proposed "waiting zones" for asylum seekers in Canada, inspired by a similar practice in France. 他认为这将有助于重新分配目前在魁北克的大批寻求庇护者,尽管他们只占加拿大人口的22%,但魁北克占加拿大总数的45%。 He argues this would help redistribute the significant number of asylum seekers currently in Quebec, which hosts 45% of Canada's total despite only representing 22% of the population. 联邦移民部长马克·米勒批评该想法是出于政治动机, Federal Immigration Minister Marc Miller criticized the idea as politically motivated and unprecedented in Canada.