马来西亚Kedah仍有633名洪水疏散者,3条河流的水位不断上升。 633 flood evacuees remain in Kedah, Malaysia, with 3 rivers experiencing rising water levels.
截至10月20日,马来西亚Kedah的洪水疏散人数从本月早些时候268户家庭的840人减少到633人,从212户家庭减少到633人。 As of October 20, the number of flood evacuees in Kedah, Malaysia, has decreased to 633 individuals from 212 families, down from 840 individuals from 268 families earlier this month. 他们目前住在10个临时救济中心。 They are currently housed in 10 temporary relief centers. 与此同时,Kedah的三条河流水位正在上升,其中两条河水位超过警告水平。 Meanwhile, three rivers in Kedah are experiencing rising water levels, with two exceeding warning levels. 在Perak,疏散人数保持稳定,在Kampar区有来自五个家庭的16人。 In Perak, the evacuee count remains stable at 16 individuals from five families in the Kampar district.