马来西亚Perak的洪水退去,42名受害者得以返回家园,而沙捞越的情况有所改善。 Floodwaters recede in Perak, Malaysia, allowing 42 victims to return home, while Sarawak's situation improves.
马来西亚Perak的洪水状况因洪水消退而得以解决, 15个家庭有42名灾民在救济中心关闭时返回家园。 The flood situation in Perak, Malaysia has been resolved with floodwaters receding, allowing 42 victims from 15 families to return home as the relief center closed. 在沙捞越,洪水灾民人数已减少到33人,来自13个家庭,在宾图卢只有一个救济中心仍然开放。 In Sarawak, the number of flood victims has decreased to 33 people from 13 families, with only one relief center still open in Bintulu. 马来西亚气象局预计今晚在Perak下雨。 The Malaysian Meteorological Department forecasts rain in Perak tonight.