由于持续降雨,砂拉越356名水灾灾民在三个救援中心避难。 356 flood victims in Sarawak are sheltered at three relief centers due to continuous rain.
由于持续降雨,砂拉越水灾灾民已从此前的 121 个家庭增至 356 名,已被安置在砂拉越南部的三个救援中心。 356 flood victims in Sarawak, up from 121 families earlier, have been accommodated at three relief centres in the southern parts of Sarawak due to continuous rain. 在古晋,来自82个家庭的194人在Dewan R-Piang Kampung Sinar Budi Baru避难,另有来自23个家庭的98人在Dewan Masyarakat Stapok避难。 In Kuching, 194 people from 82 families are sheltered at Dewan R-Piang Kampung Sinar Budi Baru, with another 98 people from 23 families at Dewan Masyarakat Stapok. 在Bau,来自16个家庭的64人住在Dewan Kampung Segong的临时避难所。 In Bau, 64 people from 16 families are in temporary shelter at Dewan Kampung Segong.