密歇根州73岁的催眠治疗师John Tomlinson因在催眠下对病人进行性攻击被判处15年徒刑。 73-year-old Michigan hypnotherapist John Tomlinson sentenced to 15 years for sexually assaulting patients under hypnosis.
密歇根大布朗镇73岁的催眠治疗师John Tomlinson因在2013年至2017年期间对多个病人进行性攻击被判处至少15年监禁。 John Tomlinson, a 73-year-old hypnotherapist from Grand Blanc Township, Michigan, has been sentenced to a minimum of 15 years in prison for sexually assaulting multiple patients between 2013 and 2017. 他被判犯有一级性犯罪行为、五项二级性犯罪行为和非法监禁罪。 He was convicted of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, five counts of second-degree criminal sexual conduct, and unlawful imprisonment. 受害者报告说在袭击期间丧失了行为能力。 Victims reported being incapacitated during the assaults. Tomlinson在88岁时将有资格获得假释。 Tomlinson will be eligible for parole at age 88.