Clive Pimianl,55岁,因多次强奸和殴打罪被判处24年徒刑。 Clive Penniall, 55, sentenced to 24 years for multiple rape and assault convictions.
来自Walsall的55岁男子Clive Pimianl因历史上的性虐待被判处24年监禁。 Clive Penniall, a 55-year-old man from Walsall, was sentenced to 24 years in prison for historic sexual abuse. 他被裁定犯有多次强奸妇女并进行家庭攻击罪,并承认他猥亵了一名男孩和一名儿童。 He was found guilty of raping a woman multiple times and committing domestic assault, and admitted to indecently assaulting a boy and a child. 当一名幸存者报告虐待事件,导致另一名受害者站出来时,该案件被揭发。 The case was uncovered when one survivor reported the abuse, leading to another victim coming forward. 警察赞扬受害者的勇敢。 Police praised the victims for their bravery.