新西兰为清理受污染场地和易受污染的填埋场启动了一项3 000万美元基金。 New Zealand launches a $30M fund for cleaning contaminated sites and vulnerable landfills.
新西兰发起了一项3 000万美元的基金,用于帮助地方理事会和土地所有者清理受污染的场地和面临恶劣天气风险的脆弱填埋场,取代以前的补救基金。 New Zealand has launched a $30 million fund to aid local councils and landowners in cleaning up contaminated sites and vulnerable landfills at risk of severe weather, replacing the previous remediation fund. 这项计划是政府Q4行动计划的一部分, 已经拨款超过1200万美元给Tāhunanui海滩清理等项目。 The initiative, part of the government’s Q4 Action Plan, has already allocated over $12 million to projects like the Tāhunanui Beach cleanup. 目标是在出现问题之前积极主动地应对环境风险和保护社区。 The goal is to proactively address environmental risks and protect communities before issues arise.