澳大利亚媒体没有适当代表年龄歧视专员中年龄较大的澳大利亚人。 Australian media inadequately represents older Australians, per Age Discrimination Commissioner.
最近一份报告强调指出,澳大利亚媒体没有充分代表老年澳大利亚人及其问题。 A recent report highlights that the Australian media inadequately represents older Australians and their issues. 年龄歧视问题专员Robert Fitzgerald强调,新闻室需要改进其对老年人的描述,因为媒体影响公众的看法。 Age Discrimination Commissioner Robert Fitzgerald stresses the need for newsrooms to improve their portrayal of seniors, as media influences public perceptions. 他主张有准确和尊重的代表权,以抵制年龄主义的定型观念,促进更好地了解老龄人口的不同经历。 He advocates for accurate and respectful representation to counter ageist stereotypes and foster a better understanding of the diverse experiences within the aging population.