亚利桑那州137号提案在共和党的支持下,旨在结束州法官留用选举,限制选民问责制。 Arizona's Proposition 137, backed by Republicans, aims to end retention elections for state judges and restrict voter accountability.
亚利桑那州的 137 号提案得到共和党人的支持,旨在取消州法官的保留选举,如果该提案在 11 月获得通过。 Arizona's Proposition 137, supported by Republicans, seeks to eliminate retention elections for state judges if passed in November. 法官只有在特定情况下才会面对选民,这大大降低了公共问责制。 Judges would only face voters under specific circumstances, significantly reducing public accountability. 包括退休法官和亚利桑那州法官协会在内的批评者认为,这破坏了司法独立,增加了政治影响力。 Critics, including retired judges and the Arizona Judges Association, argue it undermines judicial independence and increases political influence. 支持者声称它保护法官免受外部压力。 Proponents claim it protects judges from external pressures.