9 月 19 日,亚利桑那州的 314 号提案将在 11 月 5 日投票前进行辩论,该提案旨在将未经授权的越境定为刑事犯罪并增加芬太尼处罚。 On September 19th, Arizona's Proposition 314, aimed at criminalizing unauthorized border crossings and increasing fentanyl penalties, will be debated before its November 5th vote.
亚利桑那州提案314, 即《边境安全法》, 将在9月19日辩论, Arizona's Proposition 314, or the Secure the Border Act, will be debated on September 19th, ahead of its vote on November 5th. 该措施旨在将指定港口外的非法过境点定为犯罪,授权国家和地方警察执行移民法,并加重对导致死亡的芬太尼销售的处罚。 The measure aims to criminalize illegal border crossings outside designated ports, empower state and local police to enforce immigration laws, and increase penalties for fentanyl sales leading to death. 批评者认为这可能会损害民权和社区关系, 而民意调查显示63%的选民支持。 Critics argue it may harm civil rights and community relations, while a poll shows 63% of voters support it.