爱尔兰的2024年生物废物一揽子任务针对制造商和餐馆中的食品废物问题。 Ireland's 2024 bio-waste bin mandate targets food waste issue among manufacturers and restaurants.
爱尔兰平均每人每年产生145公斤的食物浪费,在欧盟排名第六,比欧盟132公斤的平均数高出10%。 Ireland generates an average of 145 kg of food waste per person annually, ranking sixth in the EU and 10% above the EU average of 132 kg. 值得注意的是,家庭仅占废物总量的30%,食品企业,特别是制造商和餐馆,是首当其冲的罪魁祸首。 Notably, households contribute only 30% of this waste, with food businesses, especially manufacturers and restaurants, being the primary culprits. 爱尔兰2022年的粮食废物总量约为75万吨。 Ireland's total food waste in 2022 was around 750,000 tonnes. 新的条例规定,废物收集公司应在2024年1月之前提供生物废物箱,以解决这一问题。 New regulations mandate that waste collection companies provide bio-waste bins by January 2024 to address this issue.