30+ 联合王国企业,包括Tesco和Aldi,敦促政府授权报告食品废物,以帮助实现到2030年将食品废物减半的目标。 30+ UK businesses including Tesco and Aldi urge the government to mandate food waste reporting to help meet the goal of halving food waste by 2030.
联合王国主要超市和粮食生产者,包括Tesco和Aldi,正在敦促政府实施强制性食品废物报告制度。 Major UK supermarkets and food producers, including Tesco and Aldi, are urging the government to implement mandatory food waste reporting. 30多个企业在致环境秘书Steve Reed的信中强调,追踪浪费的粮食对于减少在联合王国大量丢弃的粮食至关重要,这些粮食每年耗资近220亿英镑,并助长气候变化。 In a letter to Environment Secretary Steve Reed, over 30 businesses emphasized that tracking wasted food is crucial for reducing the significant amounts discarded in the UK, which costs nearly £22 billion annually and contributes to climate change. 政府的目标是到2030年将粮食浪费减少一半。 The government aims to halve food waste by 2030.