孟加拉国政府表格委员会审查政府求职者的年龄限制。 Bangladeshi government forms committee to review age limit for government job applicants.
孟加拉国政府成立了一个由两位成员组成的委员会,由前顾问阿卜杜勒·穆埃德·乔杜里领导,评估提高政府求职者年龄限制的可能性。 The Bangladeshi government has formed a two-member committee, led by former adviser Abdul Mueed Chowdhury, to assess the possibility of increasing the age limit for government job applicants. 目前,限制为30岁,自由战士子女为32岁。 Currently, the limit is 30 years, or 32 for the children of freedom fighters. 该委员会包括Mokhlesur Rahman,必须在7个工作日内,在学生持续抗议此事时提出建议。 The committee, which includes Mokhlesur Rahman, must submit its recommendations within seven working days amid ongoing student protests on the matter.