孟加拉国临时政府追溯性地晋升了764名被前任政府忽视的官员。 Interim Bangladeshi government retrospectively promotes 764 officials overlooked by previous administration.
孟加拉国临时政府已经追溯性地提升了764名官僚, The interim Bangladeshi government has retrospectively promoted 764 bureaucrats who were previously overlooked for advancement under the Awami League administration. 晋升范围从副秘书到秘书不等,福利分两期支付。 Promotions range from deputy secretary to secretary, with benefits to be paid in two installments. 该决定是在审查委员会对1,540份申请进行评估之后作出的。 The decision follows a review committee's assessment of 1,540 applications.