亚太经合组织国家敦促加强EV电池回收,并投资于可持续性研究。 APEC nations urged to boost EV battery recycling and invest in research for sustainability.
亚洲-太平洋经济合作组织(亚太经合组织)区域在推动采用电动车辆和优化电动车辆电池供应链方面发挥着关键作用。 The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) region is pivotal in advancing electric vehicle (EV) adoption and optimizing the EV battery supply chain. 随着EV销售量的增加,加强电池回收利用——目前只有5——对于可持续性至关重要。 As EV sales rise, enhancing battery recycling—currently at just 5%—is essential for sustainability. 鼓励亚太经合组织经济体投资于替代材料的研究,建立回收中心,建立监管框架以促进循环经济。 APEC economies are encouraged to invest in research for alternative materials, establish recycling hubs, and create regulatory frameworks to promote a circular economy. 透明度和合作将有助于减轻供应链风险,支持更绿化的未来。 Transparency and cooperation will help mitigate supply chain risks and support a greener future.