研究呼吁采用更好的锂离子电池回收方法,以减少成本和污染。 Study calls for better lithium-ion battery recycling methods to reduce costs and pollution.
一项新的研究要求回收者、电池制造者和电动车辆生产商之间加强合作,以加强锂离子电池的回收利用。 A new study calls for closer collaboration between recyclers, battery makers, and electric vehicle producers to enhance lithium-ion battery recycling. 热冶金和湿冶金等现行方法效率低,对环境有害。 Current methods like pyrometallurgy and hydrometallurgy are inefficient and environmentally harmful. 这项研究建议采用诸如直接再循环和再循环等先进技术,这些技术可以将成本降低40%,并减少污染。 The study suggests advanced techniques such as direct recycling and upcycling, which could reduce costs by 40% and lessen pollution. 伯明翰大学的ReLIB项目也正在研究这些问题,旨在使议定书标准化,改进回收技术。 The University of Birmingham’s ReLIB project is also working on these issues, aiming to standardize protocols and improve recycling technologies.