佛罗里达州德尔雷海滩的火灾导致母亲和孩子流离失所,没有人员受伤;调查正在进行中。 Fire in Delray Beach, FL displaces mother and children, no injuries; investigation underway.
星期五晚间,佛罗里达Derray Beach发生火灾,一名母亲和两名子女在晚9时45分左右在SW 7大道的家中遭受重大损坏后流离失所。 幸运的是,没有报告有人受伤。 A fire in Delray Beach, Florida, on Friday night displaced a mother and her two children after significant damage occurred to their home on SW 7th Avenue around 9:45 p.m. Fortunately, no injuries were reported. Derray Beach消防救援队回应并正在调查此事。 Delray Beach Fire Rescue responded and is investigating the cause. 这一事件造成了相当大的财产损失,使家人没有住所。 The incident resulted in considerable property loss, leaving the family without a residence. 在大火之后,消防员在现场停留了数小时。 Firefighters remained on-site for several hours following the blaze.