有一人在坦帕的一次房屋火灾中受重伤,引起人们对住房安全的关切。 One person was critically injured in a house fire in Tampa, raising concerns about housing safety.
周六上午,坦帕的一场房屋火灾在消防员营救了一名被困居民后,造成一人重伤。 A house fire in Tampa on Saturday morning left one person critically injured after firefighters rescued a trapped resident. E. Idell街发生火灾,20分钟内灭火。 The fire broke out on E. Idell Street and was extinguished within 20 minutes. 这一事件引起了对该地区住房安全和经济适用住房危机的关切。 The incident has raised concerns about housing safety and the affordable housing crisis in the area. 地方当局正在调查火灾的起因。 The cause of the fire is under investigation by local authorities.