火灾驱散了感恩节的夏洛特八人家庭;损失估计为63 000美元。 Fire displaces Charlotte family of eight on Thanksgiving; damage estimated at $63,000.
感恩节早上 夏洛特东北部的一场火灾 造成8个家庭流离失所 On Thanksgiving morning, a fire in northeast Charlotte displaced a family of eight. 从外面的垃圾桶开始,火势蔓延到木篱笆和他们在伍德菲尔德道的家阁楼。 Starting from an outside trash can, the fire spread to a wooden fence and the attic of their home on Woodfield Drive. 消防员在20分钟内控制了火势,没有报告有人受伤。 Firefighters controlled the flames within 20 minutes with no reported injuries. 估计损失大约为63 000美元,美国红十字会向家庭提供援助。 The estimated damage is around $63,000, and the American Red Cross provided assistance to the family.