7个家庭因在IL莫林的房屋火灾而流离失所;没有受伤,红十字会的援助,原因正在调查中。 Family of seven displaced by house fire in Moline, IL; no injuries, Red Cross aid, cause under investigation.
星期一下午在伊利诺伊州莫莱的一栋房屋发生火灾,造成七口人家庭流离失所,并造成重大损坏。 A house fire in Moline, Illinois, on Monday afternoon displaced a family of seven and caused significant damage. 下午3时03分报告的火灾,在邻近消防部门的协助下,在40分钟内被控制。 The fire, reported at 3:03 p.m., was contained within 40 minutes with assistance from neighboring fire departments. 幸运的是,没有人受伤,因为家人的烟雾探测器促使他们提前撤离。 Fortunately, there were no injuries, as the family's smoke detectors prompted an early evacuation. 红十字会正在提供援助,而火灾原因仍在调查之中。 The Red Cross is providing aid, while the cause of the fire remains under investigation.