内华达州最高法院驳回了针对 Nathan Chasing Horse 的性虐待案,允许未来可能提出指控。 Nevada Supreme Court dismisses sex abuse case against Nathan Chasing Horse, allowing for possible future charges.
内华达州最高法院以大陪审团程序中的错误为由,驳回了针对内森·查辛·马斯 (Nathan Chasing Horse) 的性虐待案,但允许将来重新提出指控的可能性。 The Nevada Supreme Court has dismissed a sex abuse case against Nathan Chasing Horse, citing errors in the grand jury proceedings, but has allowed for the possibility of charges being refiled in the future. 这一决定推翻了先前维持指控的裁决。 This decision reverses earlier rulings that upheld the charges. Chasing Horse 在不同司法管辖区面临其他多项性虐待指控,仍因相关指控而被拘留。 Chasing Horse, who faces multiple other sexual abuse allegations in different jurisdictions, remains in custody on related charges.