Florida男子因试图与马发生性关系而被捕,并被承认参与该行为。 Florida man arrested for attempting sexual contact with horse, admitted to the act.
一名53岁的佛罗里达男子Donald Calloway在女友报告看到他试图与马鼻子发生性接触后被捕。 A 53-year-old Florida man, Donald Calloway, was arrested after his girlfriend reported seeing him attempt to engage in sexual contact with a horse's nose. 该事件被女友通过视频捕捉,Calloway承认了这一行为,并列举了性挫折。 The incident was captured on video by the girlfriend, and Calloway admitted to the act, citing sexual frustration. 他被指控与动物发生性行为,目前仍被拘押。 He was charged with sexual conduct with animals and remains in custody. 这匹叫Raven的马据说没有受伤。 The horse, named Raven, was reported to be unharmed.