内华达州最高法院驳回了对 Nathan Chasing Horse 的性虐待指控,为重新提交留下了空间。 Nevada Supreme Court dismisses sex abuse charges against Nathan Chasing Horse, leaving room for refiling.
内华达州最高法院已下令撤销对《与狼共舞》前演员内森·查辛·霍斯 (Nathan Chasing Horse) 的性虐待指控,同时允许重新提出指控的可能性。 The Nevada Supreme Court has ordered the dismissal of sex abuse charges against Nathan Chasing Horse, a former actor from "Dances with Wolves," while allowing for the possibility of refiled charges. 18人的案件在法律挑战面前被搁置了一年多。 The 18-count case has been stalled for over a year amid legal challenges. 目前仍被拘留的 Chasing Horse 在其他四个司法管辖区面临类似指控。 Chasing Horse, who remains in custody, faces similar charges in four other jurisdictions. 解雇是基于程序错误,检察官有三周时间要求重新考虑。 The dismissal is based on procedural errors, and prosecutors have three weeks to seek reconsideration.