日本恢复了斯里兰卡的11个发展项目,重点是反腐败和基础设施发展。 Japan resumes 11 development projects in Sri Lanka, focusing on anti-corruption and infrastructure growth.
日本将恢复在斯里兰卡11个停滞不前的发展项目的工作,重申其支持该国打击腐败和促进基础设施增长的承诺。 Japan will resume work on 11 stalled development projects in Sri Lanka, reaffirming its commitment to support the country's fight against corruption and promote infrastructure growth. 主要项目包括坎迪市水管理项目和班达拉奈克国际机场开发第二阶段。 Key projects include the Kandy City Water Management Project and Phase II of Bandaranaike International Airport Development. 这项倡议是在日本大使Hideaki Mizukoshi与斯里兰卡官员讨论之后提出的,表明双边关系得到加强。 This initiative follows discussions between Japanese Ambassador Mizukoshi Hideaki and Sri Lankan officials, signaling strengthened bilateral ties.