由美国支持的科伦坡港项目将在2025年2月前推动斯里兰卡的海上贸易。 US-backed project at Colombo Port set to boost Sri Lanka's maritime trade by February 2025.
科伦坡港口终点站项目由印度的阿达尼港牵头,并获得美国国际发展金融公司5.53亿美元的投资支持,该项目将于2025年2月投入运行。 The Colombo Port terminal project, led by India's Adani Ports and backed by a $553 million investment from the US International Development Finance Corporation, is on track to be operational by February 2025. 该项目旨在增强斯里兰卡作为关键转运枢纽的作用。 The project aims to bolster Sri Lanka's role as a key transshipment hub. 美国还通过可持续发展路线图支持斯里兰卡的港口部门,包括通过与弗吉尼亚港务局签署的谅解备忘录提供培训和技术合作。 The US is also supporting Sri Lanka's port sector with a roadmap for sustainable development, including training and technical collaboration through a Memorandum of Understanding with the Virginia Ports Authority.