2023年,希腊家庭支出增长5.3%,达到20 223欧元,其中粮食、住房和交通是最大的预算份额。 2023 Greek household spending rose 5.3% to €20,223, with food, housing, and transport as the largest budget shares.
2023年,希腊家庭平均支出增至20 223欧元,根据欧洲统计局统计,与2022年相比增长了5.3%。 In 2023, the average Greek household spending rose to €20,223, a 5.3% increase from 2022, according to ELSTAT. 最大的预算份额用于食品(20.7%)、住房(14.1%)和交通(13.1%)。 The largest budget shares went to food (20.7%), housing (14.1%), and transport (13.1%). 存在地区差异,阿提卡平均为23 325欧元,希腊中部为14 052欧元。 Regional disparities exist, with Attica averaging €23,325 and Central Greece €14,052. 值得注意的是,最贫穷的家庭将55.8%的收入用于必需品,而最富有的家庭则花费24.8%。 Notably, the poorest households allocate 55.8% of their income to necessities, while the richest spend 24.8%. 总支出仍然比2008年的水平低20.5%。 Overall expenditure remains 20.5% below 2008 levels.