希腊通过200亿欧元的提高出生率计划解决“现实”人口危机。 Greece tackles "existential" population crisis with €20 billion plan to boost birth rates.
希腊面临一场“现实的”人口危机, 出生率下降、经济困难、大规模移民, 造成数百个被遗弃的村庄。 Greece faces an "existential" population crisis, with declining birth rates, economic hardship, and mass emigration creating hundreds of abandoned villages. 总理Kyriakos Mitsotakis警告说,该国生育率为每名妇女生育1.3胎,是欧洲最低的国家之一,没有足够年轻工人支持经济和老年人。 Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis warns that the country's fertility rate of 1.3 births per woman, one of the lowest in Europe, leaves not enough young workers to support the economy or the elderly. 为了打击这种现象,希腊计划到2035年将200亿欧元用于诸如儿童福利和减税等奖励措施。 To combat this, Greece plans to spend €20 billion by 2035 on incentives like child benefits and tax breaks.