2015 贝尔法斯特妇产医院因供水系统中的假单胞菌问题而推迟开业。 2015 Belfast maternity hospital opening delayed due to pseudomonas in water systems concerns.
贝尔法斯特新建的产科医院因对其家用水系统的健康问题而延迟, Belfast's new maternity hospital is delayed due to health concerns over its domestic water systems, specifically high levels of the bacteria pseudomonas. 除非当局能够确保水不会对婴儿造成危险,否则不会开放设施。 Authorities will not open the facility until they can ensure the water poses no risk to infants. 最初预计该医院将于2015年开张, Originally expected to open in 2015, the hospital's launch has faced multiple setbacks. 假单胞菌通常对健康个体无害,但对免疫系统较弱的人来说可能是危险的。 Pseudomonas is generally harmless to healthy individuals but can be dangerous for those with weakened immune systems.