研究显示,在Majorca的医院排水沟中 发现有多种抗生素抗菌细菌存在 Hospital sink drains in Majorca found to harbor multiple antibiotic-resistant bacteria, study shows.
一项新的研究表明,西班牙Majica的医院排水沟排水沟中藏有各种抗生素抗菌细菌,给病人带来风险。 A new study reveals that hospital sink drains in Majorca, Spain, harbor a variety of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, posing risks for patients. 尽管严格清洁,研究人员仍发现67种细菌,其中一些抗多种抗生素。 Despite strict cleaning, researchers found 67 bacterial species, some resistant to multiple antibiotics. 这突出表明,需要改进清洁方法和进一步研究,以防止这些超级虫在医院内蔓延。 This highlights the need for improved cleaning methods and further research to prevent the spread of these superbugs within hospitals.